If you are new to shopping for beds, you need to know a little bit about the different selections of bed frames that you can choose from. The size of your bed frames will dictate your bed size, the size of your sheets, and also the amount of comfort that you can expect while you sleep at night. Before you decide which bed frames to buy, read this guide to learn about the different bed frames that are currently available on the market.

Furniture Depot

There are five main sizes that bed frames are available in – twin, full, queen, king, and California king. Twin bed frames are the smallest, and are typically reserved for children and small adults. Full bed frames are slightly wider than twin bed frames, and can usually have enough room to fit two children, or two small adults. An adult of regular size can also fit comfortably in a full bed frame. Queen beds are large enough to hold two average adults, and are often spacious enough to allow for a lot of different pillows, decorations, and other knickknacks. They are spacious and luxe. King sized bed frames are massive, and can fit two, possibly three large adults without having any comfort sacrificed. California king bed frames are even larger, and are difficult to find.

One of the main factors, aside from personal space, that needs to be addressed while shopping for bed frames is price. The larger the bed frame, the more it will cost. Along with the price of the bed frame, people who are shopping for beds also will need to consider the cost of the head boards, as well as the cost of the bedding and mattress that they will need to buy in order to actually use the bed frames. It's not uncommon to find out that a sheet set will cost ten or fifteen dollars more if you have to get a higher size than twin, or full. Mattresses can easily cost hundreds of dollars more with every size increase that you will have to make. If you cannot afford to buy all the hidden extras that come with a large bed frame set, you need to find a more affordable option.

Along with size and price, it should be noted that not all bed frames are alike in design or quality. Wooden bed frames are still the most common form of bed frames on the market, and also are considered to be one of the most stylish and durable. Metal bed frames are more sturdy, and will last longer than wood bed frames, but the style that they offer isn't for everyone's tastes. It's best to avoid bed frames made out of plastic or composite material, since they don't have as good a track record when it comes to durability.

Many people will worry about sacrificing style by choosing a very durable (but unsightly) bed frame. However, there are bed kits that give homeowners the opportunity to hide the unsightly metal bed frame by installing a secondary wooden bed frame around it. Bed frames often are also hidden by sheets, throws, and blankets. So, if you don't want to worry about style, you don't have to.

The key to finding great bed frames is know what you are going to be using those bed frames for. Getting a size that's appropriate for the purpose is a good way to ensure that you won't overspend on your bed frames. For instance, does an 8 year old child really need a king size bed? If you are a newlywed couple, getting a twin bed frame is a good way to make sure that neither of you feels comfortable. If you aren't sure what size bed frame you need, asking a salesperson what would be the best option is a good way to find out. Or, you can veer on the side of caution and choose a size larger than you would normally need.

Getting your bed frames is an absolute must if you want to actually have a bed to sleep in. Luckily, bed frames of all sizes are affordable if you go to the right sellers to find them. The only way to find the right bed frames is to shop around, so start your shopping journey as soon as you can.

Furniture Depot